Thursday, September 30, 2010

The HEB Race Car

Who's the driver in that red cart?

I even have 2, count them, 2 steering wheels!

This is a big rig, for sure!

Here I am preparing to move adroitly down the aisle.

Got a big load.
I know I'm a great help to Mommy.

See how happy she is?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Discovery Green

I sure like to climb. Are you watching, Dad?

Here I go.

Thanks for the support, Mom.

Almost there!

See? I made it!
Hmm. I wonder what those kids are doing?

Mom and Dad are such sports!

However, they don't believe me when I make it clear that
I don't like to be barefoot in the grass!

Not even the enticement of playing with their cell phones

is enough to make me want to get on this green prickly stuff.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

See What I can Do!

Good Grief! What are they doing to me now? 
Strapping me into another contraption?

And this hat? Do you know what you're doing, Mom and Dad?

Wow-wee!  This is actually pretty fun!

Hmm. This is a nice shape. Now what can I do with it?

Let me see. What have we here?

Ah! I can stick it in this box. Cool!

This push cart has become even more interesting over the months.

You see, inside are some very nice blocks

which I can take out

And put on the table. Fascinating.

And sometimes I'll even sit still long enough so Mommy can read to me
the Palabras book from the library.