Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Getting ready for Christmas

 Everyday while Grama and Grampa were here we
had a Christmas activity.
Here we are with Mr. and Mrs. Frosty at the Children's Museum.
 I made a gingerbread house.
 Each morning I had a present to open.
On Tuesday we made Christmas cookies.
Look at all the shapes!
 We rolled out the cookie dough.
 Then cut the cookies.
 I watched them bake for 10 minutes.
Grama made frosting and I was the taste tester.
 Will the green frosting taste as good?
 We poured on the sprinkles.
 I picked up (and ate) the ones that didn't stick.
 What a yummy Christmas tree!
 They are so colorful.
Wednesday morning. I love opening gifts.
A Thomas Train puzzle. 
I went to school so we didn't make anything that day.
 On Thursday I got a flash light!
We made a popcorn chain.
Grama and I strung the popcorn on a thread.  
I'm helping Grama because now she doesn't have as many to string! 
We're getting there. 
It's an impressive length. 
 The tree is so festive.
Friday morning and I have another Puzzle. 
 We're making a paper chain.
 Round the tree it goes.
 That night we looked at the Christmas lights.
 And who should show up but Santa!
On Saturday I opened a Santa Pez Dispenser from my
neighborhood Secret Santa. 
 We went to a Christmas party.
Mommy and I are making decorations.
 And here's another Santa!
 That's all for this year!
Thanks for coming, Grama and Gramp!

My First Pre-Christmas

 You're back?  Let me tell you about Grama and Grampa's visit.
 I'm still too young to participate in the Christmas activities
 but I enjoyed watching Grama (and sometimes Judah my brother)
decorate Christmas cookies.  Next year I'll even eat one.
 Now Grama and I have matching T-shirts with our pictures on them.
 We went to the Galleria to look at Christmas decorations.
 Is this deju-vu all over again?
 Judah and Grampa admired the same sarcophagus
at the Houston Art Museum when he was 3 weeks younger
than I.
 Ah yes.  I like this Magritte.
 This is a preview of what I'll look like without my helmet.
My head is coming along nicely.
I'm learning how to crawl and reach.
I got it...my Santa Mouse!  
 I am 37 weeks in this photo.
Grama made my bunny puppet, Snowflake. 
 We all went to the zoo. 
Such nice warm weather for December
 How do you like to go up in a swing?
 Up in the air so blue!
 I can slide.
I love to play the chimes. 
 Look at these Christmas lights in River Oaks!
Judah and I had a wonderful week with Grama and Grampa.