Friday, March 30, 2012

Elena's Turn

 Hi!  I'm Elena Rotman Sanchez and I was born at 1:35 p.m. on Thursday, March 22, 2012.
 I am a little smaller than my brother Judah was, 7.25 pounds, 19.5 inches.
Please note my long, slender fingers and beautifully-shaped fingernails.
 Here I am with my family.
 Judah is impressed that my hand is so small and his is so big.
 Now Mommy and I are in our room.
While Mommy naps, Daddy holds  me.  Labor is well-named... 
 I'm bushed!
 Aunt Sarah is seeing me for the first time.  We will have such fun together.
 It's Friday and Mommy is ready to take me home.
We're now relaxing in the living room.
 Day 3 already.  Judah decorated my sign.
 I'm a placid baby so far.
 With Auntie.
 Grama took me outside to see the flowers.  I was born at a lovely time of the year.
On Day 4 I tried a pacifer and liked it,
I'm sleeping in the very same cradle that Mommy, Uncle Simeon, Aunt Sarah, Judah, and most of my Mommy's cousins and their children slept in.
It's an heirloom and family tradition.
 Day 5!
 Here I am in my many moods.
 And they are all great ones.
 Day 6.  Love my yellow socks.
 They match the yellow duck.
 I have wide-awake times and haven't had a crying spell since I was born!
 Here I am with my favorite people.
Mommy is #1!
 and Daddy
 and Grama Deborah
 and of course my Brother Judah,
 Life is great at one week.
 Enjoying some tummy time.
 Doesn't Mommy look beautiful?  She's feeling great and is even rested.
You're welcome, Mommy.
 Our one-week family portrait.
You're probably as tired as I am to get this far.
Stayed logged-on for more.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

I'm a Big Brother!

 One of my favorite places to visit is the train display at the Hospital.
Grampa, Grama and I went there the day Mommy went to have our baby.
 Then Daddy came down and said that I had a Baby Sister, Elena Rotman Sanchez!
 Everyone is so happy!
 At first I didn't know what to think.  But hang in there. 
 Here we are in Mommy and Elena's room.  We're still all together.
 And look what I can see from the window.  The Light Rail Trains that come every 10 minutes!  Cool!
 And besides Grama Deborah and Grampa Sam, Aunt Sarah also came.
 The next day we all took Elena home.
 Mommy and Daddy are bringing her into our house.  You can see them do this for me on my earliest blog.
 Elena sleeps a lot.
 She's still too little to play with me at my table.
 But she sure is pretty.
 Here we are taking our first walk together as a family of four.
 Mommy still reads to me.
 Elena is very little.
 And I like to hold her hand.  She is so soft.
 Grama is reading my new favorite book about the caboose that got loose and Elena is listening.
 Aunt Sarah gave me my Big Brother Shirt which I wore to school when Elena was 6 days old.
 She loves Mommy
 and Daddy, just as I do.
 She's now 1 week old and we're having Tummy Time together.
 Elena gave me a train table.
 Every day I open a present with another part.
So Elena will now share my Blog with me.
Welcome, Elena!