Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Better Late Than Never...Happy Halloween!

My folks have been really busy over the past, er, two months so they never had a chance to show you my Halloween happenings.  Better late than never.

On Halloween, I went to a party in the neighborhood of some of our friends.  As you can see, I dressed up in a pirate costume that my Grandma Deborah made for me, from scratch.  I'm told that few things are made from scratch, "these days," let alone pirate costumes.  Thanks, Grandma!

Although I didn't have a pirate ship, I did get a chance to cruise around in my friend's spiffy car.  Here I am putting the key in.

 With my Daddy's hand and my patent-leather shoes, I got around great!

Here's my whole family, sharing in the Halloween spirit! 
 I enjoyed letting my hat down and watching the other children bounce in this big castle.  Next year, I'm going to be there with them!

Voila, my Halloween profile portrait.  If it weren't for the skull and crossbones on my hat, I could have been mistaken for a Minuteman or Napoleon.  Maybe next year... 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Fleet

I've been driving for several months.
Here I'm at the Tot Spot at the Children's Museum.
The grocery stores where Momma shops have
some very impressive rigs.
This one has a TV but there's enough to look at
in the store so I don't watch it.

One bright spot during my hospital stay was this
shiny red wagon. It made my day much happier

So Momma and Daddy, who are sharp shoppers,
found the first vehicle in my fleet.
It's still too big for me but not for long.
 I'm thrilled with my car.
It's colorful...

and versitile.
I can push if I want to practice my walking.
Here I am with Grama Deborah

Yes, this is a very nice little car.
Momma and Daddy even found a used Radio Flyer
in prisitne condition, as you can see.

Yes, this suits me fine.

And I can push it.
Quite a fleet for a guy who is almost 13 months old.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chronicles of My First Birthday Weekend

I turned ONE on October 22nd!
 My First Birthday Weekend started off with a bang
when I came downstairs and was greeted by 22 balloons!
Grandpa Sam and Grandma Deborah gave me these cool magnets, which I immediately started putting to good use by noting whose in charge in the kitchen.
Next, I went to the Houston Zoo Boo, where I got to wear my Halloween costume presumably in an effort to scare the animals instead of vice versa.  This particular aquatic creature did not appear too put out
by my pirate garb.
I enjoyed the fountain and all the "aqua." 
Basically, any opportunity to point and shout "aqua" is fine by me.

The Zoo Boo activities included this Pirate's Cove, where I got to meet some of my compatriots. 
 Frankly, they didn't look so hot.  I think it's a tough profession, long term.
When I got home, Blanca, my wonderful nanny,
greeted me with balloons. 
She also gave some beautfiul roses to my Momma.  She is so thoughtful!
Later, everyone sang while a flaming cake was placed in front of me. 
Pretty weird.
Still, I thought it would be a nice time to give my Momma a hug and kiss
in recognition of all her hard work on my behalf this day last year.
I was born at 7:50 pm, so of course my family thought it would be nice
to mark that minute with a photograph, one year on.
Unfortunately, things took a surprising turn for the worse during the night.  My runny nose moved to my chest and I went to see my doctor in the morning because I wasn't breathing with ease.  My doctor said I needed to be monitored for a long period of time so, believe it or not, I went to the hospital.  It wasn't particularly fun to be there, but my Dad brought my cards and gifts to me there so I could enjoy them.
Here's my wonderful Auntie Sarah, who was in town for my birthday. 
She gave me The Big Picture Story Bible.  Thanks, Auntie!
Meanwhile, back at my house, Grandma Deborah was busy making
a lion cake for my birthday. 
Can you believe she made this just based
on her own clever imagination?!?  
Grandma Deborah is unbelievable.
After a kinda rough night in the hospital, I was greeted in the morning
with the talking Elmo doll that my
Grandpa LeRoy and Grandma Helen had sent. 
Elmo is so nice!
Finally, I was discharged from the hospital and could go home, exactly one year after I was discharged from the hospital after being born.  Here's how my family looks this year....
...and here's how we looked one year ago.  I sure grew a lot!
Here we are entering my house from the hospital this year...

...and here we were last year when I came home for the first time!
Now it was time to celebrate my birthday.  Unfortunately, it appears that birthdays involve placing flaming cakes in front of me.  Didn't I already show you that I didn't like it?!?
Honestly.  I know it's a lion and everything but I am just not digging this.
Eventually, my family gave up on the flaming cake and let me get acquainted with Elmo.
Later, I opened some more presents from my friends. 
I was so happy to be home...and we are all so happy
that I am ONE!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

These Shoes are made for Walkin'

This is new!

So far I have done just fine without shoes.
But now that I'm learning to walk, I need more support.
These shoes really help!

Daddy is so impressed!
I'm a real boy now. Look at my knees!

Momma and Daddy can hardly keep up with me now.
I can even push my cart down the driveway.

Fianlly, I can stop and examine the bush.

and play with the faucet.
I'm going to love walking by myself.

Momma and Grama took me to play at the park.
I wanna get down!

Hey, Mom, can you follow me?

...through the tunnel.

Here we come.

Daddy and I are going down this great big slide!

Whee!  Glad I can show Daddy a good time.
My newest game is "Duck, Duck, Goose."
Will I be a duck or goose?
The anticipation is excruciating!

Goose! Grama is helping me chase Momma!