Sunday, October 24, 2010

These Shoes are made for Walkin'

This is new!

So far I have done just fine without shoes.
But now that I'm learning to walk, I need more support.
These shoes really help!

Daddy is so impressed!
I'm a real boy now. Look at my knees!

Momma and Daddy can hardly keep up with me now.
I can even push my cart down the driveway.

Fianlly, I can stop and examine the bush.

and play with the faucet.
I'm going to love walking by myself.

Momma and Grama took me to play at the park.
I wanna get down!

Hey, Mom, can you follow me?

...through the tunnel.

Here we come.

Daddy and I are going down this great big slide!

Whee!  Glad I can show Daddy a good time.
My newest game is "Duck, Duck, Goose."
Will I be a duck or goose?
The anticipation is excruciating!

Goose! Grama is helping me chase Momma!

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