Thursday, October 21, 2010

Grampa Sam's Surprise 60th Birthday Weekend

Grampa Sam went to Europe for two weeks to give concerts. 
He returned home to Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix on October 8.
Grama Deborah, Aunt Sarah, Uncle Simeon and Aunt Stacy,
Great-Grama Barbara and Mommy, Daddy, and I were all there to
SURPRISE him for his 60th Birthday on October 12.
Grampa kept saying "Oh, my goodness!"
especially when he saw me and the balloons!Mommy, Daddy, and I gave Grampa a shirt that matches my Onesie.
Here's a better picture of our shirts.
It's now Grampa's favorite.
We also gave him this tote bag that he will use when he travels around the world.
There were 60 Balloon all over Grama and Grampa's house in Mesa.I'm pointing to one here.  Don't I have nice form?

Now a close-up of all who came for the Birthday Weekend.
My Great-Grama Barbara came all the way from New York. 
I haven't seen her since December.
I'm helping Grama in the kitchen.
Here is Uncle Simeon.  I haven't seen him since New Year's.

He's reading the book that he and Aunt Stacy gave me for Christmas.
I'm sure glad Mommy came with me to Mesa.  What a fun time we're having.
Dad came too. 
Aunt Sarah isn't surprised that I'm yawning.  I missed my crib.
Grampa gave me my second piano lesson.  I'm using two hands now.

Grama "Judah-proofed" the house.  I had a great time in the bathroom.
We went for a walk in the desert to take family photos with Grampa.
Daddy, Mommy, and Grampa are laughing.
I'm trying out my new teeth.
Grampa is wearing his Birthday Hat. 
He was so happy that we all came.

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