Wednesday, January 27, 2010

13 weeks + 1 day = 3 months old!

Last Thursday, I was 13 weeks old. To celebrate, my momma put me on my favorite mat (it's kinda like an exercise mat and just right for me to practice my tummy time) and took some photos. The thing is, I now find the camera SO interesting to stare at so sometimes it's hard to capture my spontaneous faces. Still, you can see that I'm quite a big boy, and I love to kick my legs.

After all that excitement, I had a good night's sleep.
And the next day, I was three months old! Thanks to all my supporters. So far, so good.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

12 weeks old

Hello everybody. Today I'm 12 weeks old.

I'm a pretty long fellow compared to when I was born.

And I'm very jolly, if I do say so myself.

To celebrate this milestone, I reprised my rolling-over performance from a couple of weeks ago. In fact, I rolled over so many times that my Mommy finally had the good sense to go and get the video camera. She pretty much captured one of my performances. Weee!!!

PS: You may notice that my Momma speaks with me in Spanish most of the time. Ay, carumba! We'll have to see how that works out for me.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Yippee! Auntie Sarah is in Arizona too!

A peaceful moment together.
Let's play!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Posing for the camera

While I was traveling, there were many opportunities for me to pose for the camera. Or rather, there were many cameras around, so I kept on posing. Here are some of my favorites.

Saguaros are everywhere in Arizona, including in this park near Grandma's house. Auntie Sarah, Mommy, Daddy and Grandma took me to see them. Grandpa Sam was there too, taking the picture.

I'm enjoying Tummy Time more and more.

In fact, when I was in Arizona, I rolled over for the first time. You'll have to take my word for it, because no one took a picture. Everyone was busy cheering me on. Their ruckus was so loud that upon completing my roll, I promptly burst into tears. After all, I was only 10 weeks and 2 days old that day. The performance anxiety was too much.

Uncle Simeon has the Beatles Rock Band video game. Everyone enjoyed playing it and I dressed for the occasion. I LOVE my Beatles onesie!

Grandma Deborah says that thanks to me, she now understands what is meant by a "bow-shaped mouth." It's like a bow and arrow. Can you see mine?

Sometimes I smile...

...and sometimes I just look beautiful. At least that's what my Mommy thinks.

Middle "C"

As you may know, my Grandpa Sam is a pianist. When I was visiting, he played the piano for me and it was stupendous. I thought I would give it a try myself. Grandpa gave me my first piano lesson. We started at middle "C".

Look! I even curved my fingers. Grandpa says I'm on my way.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Whom Do I Look Like?

Many of my friends have said that I look like my Grandpa Sam. Do you think it's because we share a hairstyle? Take a look...

Gorgeous, don't you think?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Judah takes a hike and has a picnic

When I was in Arizona, I got to go on three hikes in the desert. I got around in the all-terrain stroller that my Momma's colleagues got for me and my Baby Bjorn. It was beautiful!

Off we go into the desert!

One of our hikes was in the Superstition Mountains with the Priestaps, my family's friends from Erie. It was a gorgeous day!

After a while, I needed to stop to have a picnic. (That's what's going on here.)

And after my lunch, predictably, I had to have my diaper changed. Grandma Deborah helped out.