Friday, June 25, 2010

A Picture is Worth a 1000 Smiles

Father's Day

Weekends are the best because
Daddy and I spend lots of time together.

To celebrate Daddy's First Father's Day we all took a hike.
It was shady on the Bike Trail at Memorial Park.

Grampa was also celebrating Father's Day with us.

Grama and Grampa's Visit

Grama Deborah and Grampa Sam came for a visit
and of course they brought their camera.
I've learned a lot since their last visit.

At 34 weeks I am much more mobile.
I can scoot around the house now.
Boy, this is fun!

Grampa stacked my shapes

and I had a great time knocking them down.
This is Power!

We went to the Houston Fine Arts Museum
and since I like faces, we had a good stare.

I watched a movie about Western Artist Charlie Russell.

The rooms had great acoustics which made my voice
really big so I yelled a lot.

We were on the way to the Houston Children's Museum.
After I drop all my toys, my foot is always handy.

We love going to the Tot Spot.

There are lots of new toys.

I played with these pictures for a long time.

I crawled through this tunnel to get the blue ball from Mommy.

Here it is.

I really like to climb especially when there is a
spiffy little ambulance at the top.

I grunted and groaned

and I made it!

Sometimes the grown-ups in my life have me do strange things.
Like playing in my pool...

Here I am, in the water, outside, and wearing clothes.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sitting, Standing and Hanging with my Auntie!

Auntie Sarah visited me from Washington this weekend!

I sat with her. 

I sat in front of her.

I stood with her.

 I hung out with her and Momma.


I hung out with her and Daddy (who makes me laugh uproariously with his antics!)

As I've mentioned before on this forum, being a nephew is the best!

"Baby Jude" No More

Congratulations to Uncle Yared, Auntie Mia and Jacob on the arrival of their beautiful daughter and sister, Laila! 

 With Laila's arrival, I no longer bear the title of "Baby Jude" since "Baby Laila" is now the bittiest one of our little band of friends.  Plus, as you can tell from the photo, I'm quite the big boy next to her!