Friday, June 25, 2010

Grama and Grampa's Visit

Grama Deborah and Grampa Sam came for a visit
and of course they brought their camera.
I've learned a lot since their last visit.

At 34 weeks I am much more mobile.
I can scoot around the house now.
Boy, this is fun!

Grampa stacked my shapes

and I had a great time knocking them down.
This is Power!

We went to the Houston Fine Arts Museum
and since I like faces, we had a good stare.

I watched a movie about Western Artist Charlie Russell.

The rooms had great acoustics which made my voice
really big so I yelled a lot.

We were on the way to the Houston Children's Museum.
After I drop all my toys, my foot is always handy.

We love going to the Tot Spot.

There are lots of new toys.

I played with these pictures for a long time.

I crawled through this tunnel to get the blue ball from Mommy.

Here it is.

I really like to climb especially when there is a
spiffy little ambulance at the top.

I grunted and groaned

and I made it!

Sometimes the grown-ups in my life have me do strange things.
Like playing in my pool...

Here I am, in the water, outside, and wearing clothes.

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