Thursday, August 26, 2010

August Milestones and Celebrations

I'm now 10 months old and
I'm learning new things just about every day.
Enough pictures, already!
I protest!
I can stand up against just about anything.
Great view.
I can play "Patty-Cake."
"Patty cake"
"Baker's Man"
I can open certain kitchen cabinets and have a great time
playing with the stuff in them.
I also have two new teeth on top.
I experiment with biting things though Mommy and Daddy
don't want me biting them.
I love to climb....
and I'm pretty fast.
See! I made it to the top!

I can also climb the stairs at home.
And I love to go to the park with Mommy and Daddy.
Mommy and Daddy were born on the same day so
there were lots of birthday surprises.
Mommy put a picture of me in a card in Daddy's suitcase
when he had to go out of town.
Here I am with the card Grama made for me to give them.
"Happy Birthday to Mommy
Happy Birthday to Daddy
Happy Birthday Mommy and Daddy
Happy Birthday to you!"

Goin' to Court in Cow Town

Mommy had to prepare a case for trial in Fort Worth so she called
Grama Deborah and asked her to be my Granny Nanny.
Welcome to Fort Worth!
"Pony boy! Pony Boy! Won't you be my Pony Boy?"
Mommy and Grama sing this song to me a lot
and here I am a Pony Boy!
Grama had to find things for us to do while Mommy worked.
I liked the lever on this riding toy
at the Fort Worth Science and History Museum.
While Mommy prepared to appear in court, I worked hard, too.
Here I'm presenting my arguments.
And now, the clincher!
My next appointment is with a wardrobe consultant.
Daddy came up for the weekend! It was sooo good to see him!
We are at the Historic Stockyards.
It's pretty hot here!
Thought I'd try on this hat for size.
Don't mess with Texas!
Daddy helped me saddle up on this little horsie and
when Grama put in a quarter, it started to move.
Grama and I went to the Fort Worth Zoo. It was blazin' hot and humid.
I'm on another horse on the merry go-round.
To be honest, I wasn't very impressed.
(Did I mention that it was HOT!?)
But I did enjoy watching the fish swim by.
But frankly, I enjoyed watching the people just as much.

Daddy and Grama found a park near the hotel.
"How do you like to go up in a swing? Up in the air so blue?"
"Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing ever a child can do!"
(by Robert Lewis Stevenson)
We had to set up my toys in our "home away from home" hotel rooms.
Here I'm celebrating my 42 weeks by patty-caking and standing up.
This is the kitchen in our hotel room.
Daddy figured that I would want to get my tummy off the cold tile floor
and crawl....
....on my hands and knees.
I can do it, but prefer my Commando Crawl.
Grama had a lot to manage while taking care of me.
Here she is taking a photo of us on the zoo train.
Thanks, Grama!