Thursday, August 26, 2010

August Milestones and Celebrations

I'm now 10 months old and
I'm learning new things just about every day.
Enough pictures, already!
I protest!
I can stand up against just about anything.
Great view.
I can play "Patty-Cake."
"Patty cake"
"Baker's Man"
I can open certain kitchen cabinets and have a great time
playing with the stuff in them.
I also have two new teeth on top.
I experiment with biting things though Mommy and Daddy
don't want me biting them.
I love to climb....
and I'm pretty fast.
See! I made it to the top!

I can also climb the stairs at home.
And I love to go to the park with Mommy and Daddy.
Mommy and Daddy were born on the same day so
there were lots of birthday surprises.
Mommy put a picture of me in a card in Daddy's suitcase
when he had to go out of town.
Here I am with the card Grama made for me to give them.
"Happy Birthday to Mommy
Happy Birthday to Daddy
Happy Birthday Mommy and Daddy
Happy Birthday to you!"

1 comment:

  1. Can you believe the boys are already almost a year old! I am already starting to plan Hudson's birthday and it's 2 months away! Hope everything is going well...Judah looks like such a happy baby having so much fun.
    Ashley, Josh and Hudson
