Thursday, October 27, 2011

Train Adventure 2

 You all know that trains are my thing.
 This is my new train set.
 I'm even Thomas Train for Halloween!

I have discovered that being 2 AND being an international traveler have changed me.
Dad and I cycled the streets of Paris on our recent vacation.

Here I am on a bateau moche on the Seine.

And I even went to the top of the Eiffel Tower
though we're not to the top yet because Mommy was too scared.
Not me!
 So when Grampa, Grama, and I decided to take the train
to have lunch with Mommy at her office, I was ready!
  I'm much braver than I was on my 1st train ride downtown in Aug.
I didn't have to sit on Grama's lap.
 After we said "good-bye" to Mommy, Grampa prayed
that we'd see a mounted police and look!
 God sent 5 horses!  Wow!
 As you can see, horse and I are eye to eye and I'm leaning AWAY from Grama!
This horse has the same name as Grampa.
 His officer is giving Sam a head massage.
 He can even shake hoof and hand!
 Yep!  Now that I'm 2 I really like the horses, especially Sam.
 Bye bye! Horsies!
(Is this Texas or what?)
 I'm on the way back to the car.  As you can see I had a great time!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Judah is 2!

Grama and Grampa Rotman arrived 2 days before Judah's Birthday.
Grama is assembling Judah's train Birthday Cake.
They also decorated the housewith balloons and streamers.
On Friday Judah, Mommy and Papa came home from a week in Paris!
Judah is looking at a balloon in the garage.
And there are more balloons in the house!

It's Saturday morning.  Judah's Birthday!
He carefully unwraps a present from Grama and Grampa.
Madeline!  And there is a picture of the Tour Eiffel on the cover,
his favorite Paris landmark.
Aunt Sarah gave him a plaque with a Bible verse from the
Letter from Jude.
What a wonderful promise.

Thank you, Auntie
Judah & Grampa have matching photo shirts for the 2nd year in a row.
We all went to the Park  to enjoy the lovely morning.
Grama with the help of Grampa and Auntie decorated the train cake.
Papa looks on as Grama adds the finishing touches.
Do you want to see your birthday cake?
He wanted a train cake and here it is!
It looks a lot like Thomas.
Lots of boys came for his party.  There was plenty of noise!
Judah's nanny, Sra. Blanca, prepared a Mexican feast which Bryan is admiring.
Grampa Sam is releasing the balloon which flew all over the
back yard to the amusement of the boys.

On your mark!  Get set!  Go!
The Big Moment!
Everyone sang "Happy Birthday Dear Judah!"
Sra. Blanca is holding Judah.
She missed him while he was in Paris
Here is the Judah Support Team
Judah is opening a present from Grama and Grampa Sanchez,
a Santa Fe Rail Runner.
He also received a train whistle.
Mommy and Daddy gave Judah a Lionel Train Set.
Open!  Open!
What a great way to turn 2!