Thursday, October 27, 2011

Train Adventure 2

 You all know that trains are my thing.
 This is my new train set.
 I'm even Thomas Train for Halloween!

I have discovered that being 2 AND being an international traveler have changed me.
Dad and I cycled the streets of Paris on our recent vacation.

Here I am on a bateau moche on the Seine.

And I even went to the top of the Eiffel Tower
though we're not to the top yet because Mommy was too scared.
Not me!
 So when Grampa, Grama, and I decided to take the train
to have lunch with Mommy at her office, I was ready!
  I'm much braver than I was on my 1st train ride downtown in Aug.
I didn't have to sit on Grama's lap.
 After we said "good-bye" to Mommy, Grampa prayed
that we'd see a mounted police and look!
 God sent 5 horses!  Wow!
 As you can see, horse and I are eye to eye and I'm leaning AWAY from Grama!
This horse has the same name as Grampa.
 His officer is giving Sam a head massage.
 He can even shake hoof and hand!
 Yep!  Now that I'm 2 I really like the horses, especially Sam.
 Bye bye! Horsies!
(Is this Texas or what?)
 I'm on the way back to the car.  As you can see I had a great time!

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