Sunday, January 15, 2012

Judah in Paris

You probably picked up from other blog posts that I went to Paris with my folks last fall.  Unfortunately, my Mom is really behind on her blogging so we can only tell you about it now.  Anyway, here is the story of my bon voyage!
The flight to Paris was really long and went on all night.  Mom and Dad pulled out all the stops so I was allowed to drink out of my beloved bottle (I don't do that anymore, ever) and even played with my Dad's iPad (which they tell me only works on airplanes.  Go figure.)

Once we arrived, we took a long walk all around town.  And what a town!  There are amazing buildings everywhere, like this one called the Louvre.  We hadn't slept or taken a bath but I was already enjoying myself!
One highlight of Paris was the fact that the transportation options are endlessly varied.  One day, we went around the entire day on boats. Here I am on the dock.
And here I am waiting for the boat with Mommy.

And now we are on the boat.  Can you say "true love" or what?!?
A family portrait on the Seine.
I enjoyed watching all the other boats going by.

And seeing the sites from the river.  There's Notre Dame in the back.

I also enjoyed traveling by bicycle around Paris.  Here's the shop where we rented our bikes.

I saw all the sights from the comfort of the back seat of Daddy's bike.  Here's the Arc of Triumph.
Here's my bike and I in the Saint Michel neighborhood with Notre Dame in the background.

We got off our bikes to visit the church.  It was huge!

I particularly enjoyed chasing the birds in the courtyard.

Here's my bike and I and the Eiffel Tower, as seen from the Place de la Concorde where my folks got engaged!

I also really enjoyed traveling by metro.

And by train.  Here I am on the train going to Versailles.

Once in Versailles, I admired the Hall of Mirrors with Daddy.

I also really enjoyed visiting the gardens, even though it was a cold and rainy day.

Here we are in the forest of Versailles.

Back in Paris, I took in the sights in my own special way.  First, I enjoyed the fountain in front of Saint Suplice, my Mama's favorite church in Paris.

I kicked the sand in the Place Vosges.

I rode the carrousel at the Parc Monceau.

I threw stones into the water at the Luxembourg Gardens.

I cuddled with Mama in front of Les Invalides.

I ran through a laberynth in the Tuileries.

I greeted my fellow tourists on the steps of the Opera.

I watched the boats sail down the Seine from the beautiful bridges.

I mounted the sculptures in front of the Musee d'Orsay.  (We didn't get to visit because the workers were on strike.  Hmmm...)

I investigated the pebbles and stones in the gardens of the Musee de Rodin. 

I ate steak/frites at an outdoor cafe (and specifically requested keptchup.  I am, after all, American.)

I even climbed the stairs at La Defense.

Perhaps the highlight of my trip, and the experience that I still talk about all the time, was the Tour Eiffel.  It is such a remarkable monument.  What's even more remarkable is how often I see representations of it back home in Houston.  A true architectural icon.  
To blend in with the natives, I decided to play in the park and pretend I wasn't in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower.  But, holy cow, I was!

We visited the Tour from afar.

But then we took an elevator up it.

In fact, Daddy and I took the elevator to the tip top.  Mama doesn't like going that high but I wasn't afraid.  The view was grand!

This is the cliche Paris photo but it really captures our trip.  Mama, Daddy and me at the Eiffel Tower. 

I did a lot of running around and sometimes I got pretty tired.  But it was worth it.  What a bon voyage!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Oahu Christmas 2011

 Mommy, Daddy, Grampa Sam, Grama Deborah and Auntie Sarah
thought another Christmas in Hawaii would be just the thing.
This is Hawaiian for
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
 Our first morning on Oahu at the beach nearest our House.
 Whee!  A whole week to play and be together!
 I'm practicing my smile.
How do you like this one?
 I was the official present opener.
 Serious business...
 and oh, how satisfying on so many levels!
 Mommy and Daddy promised lots of sand.
 Look at those people getting knocked about by the waves!

 We relaxed a lot.  It was easy with such a beautiful view.
 Grama dubbed this Suicide Beach.
 Look!  Daddy and Grampa survived body slamming, er surfing.
 Grama is reading my newest Madeline book.
The view of Diamondhead from Waikiki
Grampa is burying my foot.
 And here it is!
 With Mommy and Daddy.
 Playing in the Pacific Ocean.  My swim lessons paid off!
 Strolling around the Royal Hawaiian Hotel.
Grama was ready to move in.
 Look at all the Papa Noels in the shop.
We went to Hanauma Bay to snorkel and play.
What is that on your face, Gramp?
 A quiet moment with Aunt Sarah.
 We're making a sand castle.
 Impressive, wouldn't you say?
 Sunset on the Pali Lookout
 It was cold and windy!
 Enjoying a shave ice as I play with my train.
 We spent the morning there.
 I'll understand why when I'm older.

The lists of those who died on each ship.
We went on the U.S.S. Missouri
 This is where the Captain steers the ship.
 We climbed up the Makapu'u Summit
 Great Day!
 Not another photo!
 I know my new Hawaiian shirt is cool, but do you
have to take a picture?
 This is better.  Playing in the sand...
 and surf with Grampa.
 Love my new look.
Here we are
 What a great week!
The nearest Beach
 Daddy and I had fun in the water.
 I was very brave.
That's some train Daddy built.
 Here's the Christmas display in Honolulu.
 I'm not really a dolly.
 Santa and Mrs. Claus Hanging Loose, Hawaiian Style.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!