Sunday, April 15, 2012

Three Weeks Plus!

Three Weeks Old!
 Elena has been growing by leaps and bounds.
 Rotman Gals, Mommy's Cousin Debbie and her daughter Eve
Cousin Debbie and Kenny and their 3 children, Max, Eve, and Seth
came for a visit. 
Note how big Elena is...
 and how enormous Judah is!
 She continues to be a calm baby and sleeps well.  What a blessing!
So thoughtful, 
and interested.
 What a wonderful bundle to hold.
 Every day she is becoming more alert.
 Aunt  Sarah gave Elena her new onesie.
 Hi! Mom!
 Attempt of a photo with Grama and Grampa
 Family portrait number 2.
Meanwhile, Judah has many adventures.
He's playing basketball at neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt.
 He did a lot of train watching with Grampa.
And went to a birthday party.
Judah suddenly became interested in his little sister and kissed her nose.
Note the "Mary Jane" socks!
So content!

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