Sunday, November 18, 2012

Elena in Fort Worth

Mommy had to try a case in Fort Worth so she, Grama and I are flying up. 
 Most of the time Mommy worked and looked very professional.
 But sometimes she had a break and we could go for a walk.
 The hotel was our home for parts of 3 weeks!
Grama and I became great pals.  Say, "Cheese!"
The hotel staff was very friendly. 
Olidia was so helpful and made sure I had bananas.
 I loved the beds with the soft fluffy pillows.
 It was a good place to play.
 Grama and I spent a lot of time looking out the window.
 This the golden building was reflected in the mirror building.
 I turned 30 weeks in Cow Town.
 But we came home for Judah's birthday which was 7 months for me.
 I had a chance to play with my toys at home
and to see Daddy. 
 But back up to Fort Worth we went.
Such a long hallway. 
This is our set-up.
 Week 31!
Grama and I took excursions in downtown Fort Worth.
 We visited the Fort Worth Historical Museum.
I'm a pony girl on a bucking bronco.
Judah was here when he was 9 months old.
Yipee!  The case is settled. 
We'll be home for Halloween! 

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