Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Family Reunion

Our Great-Grandmother on our Mommy's side of the family
celebrated her 80th birthday with her 8 children and their families. 
We went to NY and stayed with Gud (Great-Uncle Drew)
and Grauntie (Great-Auntie Janet.)
They live in the country.
I'm picking wild strawberries.
I can pop them right into my mouth.
I also picked blackberries and currants.
 I loved pounding in the croquet stake.
 I threw the pollino for bocci with Daddy, Grampa, and Aunt Sarah.
Grauntie is behind Daddy.
What's your next move?
Daddy and I are working out in Gud's garage attic.
 My aunts and uncles on my Daddy's side of the family were also at Chautauqua. 
I went fishing with my Sanchez cousin and
caught my first fish!  Wow!
 I, Elena, stuck closer to people.
I'm with Great-Grama, Grama, and Aunt Sarah.
 Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty!
 Nothing more refreshing on a warm humid day.
 With Aunt Sarah
 and Grampa
This is a great place!
My cousin Alex and her family have at house at
Chautauqua Institute so we went for a visit.
With Grauntie Janet
I'm in Bestor Plaza with Great-Grama and Grama
and Daddy and Mommy!
We all took at walk to Chautauqua Lake in the rain.
 Elena went into the water.  I built sand castles. 
 At the Party Great-Grama is surrounded by most of her
grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Can you find us?
Our family with Great-Grama.

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