Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jude Arrives

At 7:50 pm, following nearly 20 hours of labor, Judah Rotman Sanchez made his debut. Almost all predicted a little girl, including our incredible midwife Titi. As you might imagine, mom and dad were pretty surprised when she was a little he.

Jude, as we call him for short, weighed in at 7 lbs., 6 oz. and is 19.5 inches. Thanks to the skillful coaching by midwife Titi, Dad caught Jude on his way out and put him on Mom's chest.

Our midwife Titi coached Anna to a smooth, all natural birth. Titi was raised and trained in the UK and was a wonderful blessing. Titi later said to one of her fellow midwives that Anna had one of the most beautiful births that she has witnessed in 23 years. This is not to say that birth was easy by any stretch. Bryan told everyone after that he had never seen such human strength. He's pretty impressed by his bride. He was very proud to administer oxygen to the breathless mommy during the final and arduous stages of pushing.

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