Thursday, October 29, 2009

One Week Old

A whole week has passed since I was born.
I've learned a lot and everyone says that I'm doing great.

Here I am with Mommy and Daddy in our first "formal" photo.
I'm sure many more will follow.

Wouldn't you say that Grama and Grampa look happy?

Grama says that this is her current favorite photo of me.
My mommy prayed I'd have a sweet disposition and here it is.

Daddy and I are nose to nose after my bath. This is the best part.

Grama and Mommy just love looking at me.
They think that I'm very handsome.

I think I'm really going to enjoy this bouncy seat,
especially with all my animal friends looking at me.


  1. Happy One Week Birthday, Little Jude! Anyone looking at these pictures would have no trouble figuring out where you get your good looks.

    Be watching for your special e-card Halloween greeting tomorrow. It's Boo-tiful!

    I'm so glad you were born. XOXOXOXOX

  2. Looking at the one week life of Judah made me cry. He is an extraordinarily beautiful baby (no surprise) and the joy on Anna and Bryan's faces as well as Sam and Deb's are priceless. You're photography is actually very good! Thanks for keeping this blog. It allows us to be a part of Jude's life.....and by the way....nice's just like ours. We Love You.....The Priestaps
