Thursday, January 20, 2011

Grama's Visit at 15 months

Here I am with my beautiful Mommy.
We look nice in red.
Mommy and Daddy put away my baby toys
and bought me a table and 2 chairs.

At the store, I really enjoyed playing with the
cups and saucers so they bought me them
as well.

I can both eat and drink here.
And one day I will do puzzles, color, and play "Go Fish."
It's a great addition to my home.

In fact, I had my official 15 month photo
taken here.

With the economy still volatile, I'm learning
at an early age to save my loose change...
actually Daddy's loose change.
I think three piggy banks ought to do it.
I like to put the coins in the slots.

I'm tall enough to climb into this container
where Dad tosses his newspapers.

This is interesting.

Yep, I'm growing up.
Gotta go.

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