Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Very Maui Christmas!

Back in May, shortly after my Momma went back to work, my folks arrived at the conclusion that come December, they would need a vacation and they decided we would spend Christmas in Maui with Grandma Deborah, Grandpa Sam and my sweet Auntie Sarah!

I don't use the word "genius" lightly, but clearly this was an inspired idea.  I mean, why have y'all been hiding this place from me all of my life?!?

This was the view from our condo in Maui.  You can see the island of Lanai in the distance.

I took my meals on the lanai with the sea in the distance.

Back inside, I practiced looking like a Hawai'ian prince (admittedly with peanut butter on his face.)

Working on my princely poses...

While in Maui, I took up several new activities.  First among them, was going to the beach.  Here are Grandma and I heading off on our first beach outting.

No one told me about the sand until it was literally beneath my feet.  I wasn't feeling it at the beginning.

However, I did enjoy sitting on my towel and playing with the sand.

The next challenge was walking in the sand.  As long as I had my sandals on and Grandma's hand, I was fine.

Soon enough, I was barefoot on the beach with Daddy.

But would I go in the water myself?!?  Grandma would show it to me...

...and I would think, "No Way, Jose!"  That surf no place for a baby!

But eventually, with Daddy holding on, I found myself in the waves. 

Grandma Sam was impressed!

I was so glad to go in!

At least, most of the time I was.

Ultimately, being by the water made me very happy.

In fact, I started taking the initiative of getting myself all packed to head back to the beach.

Another great, new activity for me in Maui was playing shuffleboard.  Here I am on my way to the court.

I understand the point is to be very precise.  That's not my style quite yet but I enjoyed myself.

I mean, following around a ball of any kind is tops with me these days.

While on holiday, I celebrated Christmas.  Unlike last year and even my recent birthday, I was moderately interested in opening presents this time around.

I love my new book!

One amazing activity was going to a traditional Hawaiian luau in Lahaina.  I wore my Hawaiian shirt (courtesy of my friend, Jacob, who actually got it in Ghana.  Small world.)

I took in the history of the Islands while my parents took in some native beverages.

I had a lot of portraits taken at the luau.  Here I am with Grandma and Grandpa!

Here are Auntie and I!

I'm all smiles with my folks!

And finally, a group portrait!

But even with the beach, and shuffleboard, and the luau, I think the best part about being in Maui for Christmas was being with my family.  With my Auntie Sarah...

Playing with my Grandma and Auntie...

Discovering the world with Grandpa...

Posing with Momma...

Goofing around with Daddy...

Snuggling with the teddy bear that my Uncle Simeon and Aunt Stacy sent for me!  (I'm pleased to announce that Stacy became my bona fide "Aunt" while I was in Maui since she and Uncle Simeon eloped.  WOW!)
Indeed, it was a Very Maui Christmas!  Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Judah, thanks for spending your Christmas with us! We had a great time, and you were a pleasure to be with! No surprises there. Love, Auntie Sarah
