Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hi! It's me, Elena, and I'm One!

 What a great Birthday Week I had!
Look!  No More Helmet!  Yea!
 Grama Deborah and Grampa Sam gave me a baby doll
which I cuddled right away. 
 Shall I walk over to Daddy and get her?
 We indulged my brother Judah's passion for trains
 and went to the Houston Area Little Steamers in Hockley.
 The ride was so, so.  As I mentioned, this is Judah's thing.
 Grama and Grampa took us to Bayou Bend to
 enjoy the azaleas.
 Such a beautiful place to play.
I find doggies fascinating 
 and take every opportunity to get to know them.
 My Nanny Blanca gave me this toy dog
 so Grama made me a Doggie Birthday Cake.
But before we enjoyed the cake we hit the piñata in the park.
 Mommy is taking a good wack.
Don't you love my party dress? 
 I insisted on walkng home and got steadier each day.
(The beads are from the piñata.)
 So this is Happy Birthday Dear Elena!
 I love it!
 I receive two more dolls.  This from Sra. Blanca
 and Josefina my American Girl doll from New Mexico
from Grandma Helen and Grandpa Lee.
I also received books and a new dress.
And Auntie Sarah came all the way from India
to celebrate with me.
Mommy, it's been a great year
and Sra. Blanca has been amazing.
Thank you so much for eveything.
I love you!

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