Monday, October 28, 2013

I am Four!

 I'm baking my Birthday Cake.
 I learned how to crack the eggs
and held the bowl as the batter was beaten.
 Voila!  A dinosaur Scene-A-Rama!
 With Daddy, Mommy, and Elena
Thanks, Grama! 
There's a volcano in the bottom left corner.
I find volcanos fascinating.
 Is this what I think it is?
 Our Grampa-Grandson shirt with the photo from the Cruise!
I invited my friends to Pump It Up for my Birthday Party.
Here I come!
When Grampa saw this photo he noted that
I've come a LONG Way!
 Pile Up!
Elena is between Daddy and me. 
I am the Birthday Boy
at the head of the table at the Pizza Feast.
Thanks, Mommy and Daddy, for a great time!
I made my hand print.
It's the best ever!
I've grown so much since my first hand print.
I received some super gifts from my friends but this is what
I really wanted and Mommy and Daddy gave it to me...
Mega Loop Mayhem!

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