Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Early Christmas Fun 2013

At Thanksgiving we went to Santa Fe and enjoyed SNOW!
This is great!
With our Santa Fe Aunt Holly and Uncle Connor and our Cousins
We buy our Christmas tree.
I helped Grampa bring it in.
The finishing Touch!  Thanks, Dad, for the Lift.
Quite a tree at the party we went to.
With our AZ Grampa Sam and Grama Deborah
Daddy and I made a gingerbread house.
It was fun to decorate.
But the house wasn't very stable.  Oh well!
Now to make cookies!
Decorating them is the most fun.
Brrr!  It's cold.  Let's have a fire and a story!
Gingerbread cookies this time.
My first Holiday Program at School
I sang and danced.
Christmas is a busy time and
the Three Stooges provide the relief I needed.

Even the zoo is decorated.
Elena can help this year.
The grocery store at the Children's Museum has been
upgraded.  The selection is so much better.
Have to give my patient at the Vet's Office a kiss.
The Christmas lights at River Oaks is always spectacular!
So pretty!
Having a great time playing.

The best we could do in 2013!

Hope you all had a great Christmas!

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