Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Elena is Two! March 22, 2014

Grama and Grampa came a week before my Birthday.
I really like hearts so Grampa decorated the house with them

and Grama made me a heart dress.
Because Mommy and Daddy went to a conference on my
actual birthday

we celebrated a week early, and in fact,
we celebrated all week!

I also like bunnies!

Finally everybody is singing "Happy Birthday" to me!
I'm overwhelmed!

But the cake and

ice cream are delicious!

Family Photo Time!

Our Silly Faces

Judah bought me some kitchen utensils

and Grama made playdoh so I can use them.

I like to take my baby in the Bob.

I think she needs a bottle.

I also went to the Gazebo

and saw my doggy friend, Pawpy.

Judah is hiding from Grampa!

and sitting in a tree.
Grampa makes us both laugh.

Later in the week my kitchen arrived.

Would you like ice?

We look at the fish at the zoo

and I go through the hippo's mouth.
Judah is cranking the disk.

Judah is trying out his new boots.

The puddle is deep but his feet are dry!
We have a great time at the park.

Look how well Judah walks on the beam!
And how well I jump!

I read one of my many Kitty Cat Birthday cards.

We also go to the pool.
I love the water!
It's going to be a great summer!

On my actual birthday I make my hand print.
We spend the morning at Bayou Bend.
Isn't the Butterfly Garden beautiful?
I can run like the wind!
So can Judah.
We have so much fun

just fooling around.

Grama makes some cupcakes for my actual birthday.

I'm so glad to be two!

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