Thursday, December 31, 2009

Uncle Simeon

For a long time now, I've been hearing that I have to meet my Uncle Simeon. He lives in Arizona, where Grandma Deborah and Grandpa Sam live. So, after my visit to Santa Fe, I took another airplane to go meet my uncle. It was worth the wait.

Uncle Simeon is so kind and cuddley.

Here's Uncle Simeon with me and his Mom, my Grandma Deborah.

As you can see, Uncle Simeon's pretty girlfriend, Stacy, is lovely. I had so much fun with both of them!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I'm really lucky that I have three cousins -- Cebastian, Dacia and Danika. They live in Denver but we all rendezvoused in Santa Fe over Christmas vacation. It was great to get to meet them. We're going to have lots of fun!

Here's when we first met.

Cebo and Dacia played with me and my arches.

When Daddy read a book to Dacia, I enjoyed listening in.

Dacia is the nicest! She took such good care of me.

I was going to sleep with Cebo and Danika... but then we decided it would be better to wait until I'm a little bit bigger. I can't wait!

Christmas sure was fun!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Hi! Nice to meet you!

When I was in Santa Fe, I got to see so many people.

On Christmas morning, I got to cuddle with Grandpa LeRoy and Grandma Helen.

I'm very blessed to have two great-grandmothers and one great-grandfather. Even better, I've now met both of my great-grandmothers and I'm not even 10 weeks old. Here I am holding hands with G-Grandma Dolores.

Great-Grandma is so nice!

Uncle Conor and Michaela were lots of fun. At this particular moment, however, I wasn't too happy. Who knows why. (As Grandma Deborah says, I'm quite inscrutable.)

Uncle Conor sure is swell!

My Aunt Holly really has the touch! I enjoyed relaxing with her and my cousin Dacia.

Here's Daddy with his brother, Uncle Conor, and sister, Aunt Holly. (I know I look concerned here but I was enjoying myself.)

My Great-Aunt Annabelle is holding me. Isn't she sweet? I also got to meet my Daddy's cousin Rachael and her husband, Adrian, and my second cousins, Matteo and Andres. Wow! So many new faces.

Grandpa LeRoy and Grandma Helen had a party to Can you imagine?!? I wore my new cowboy outfit and smiled at all my new friends.

Lee and JooHee, Daddy's friends from business school, live in Santa Fe so I got to meet them and their super fun son Luke. As you can see, it was quite an outing!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

My First Plane Ride!

For Christmas, I visited my Grandpa LeRoy and Grandma Helen in Santa Fe, where I got to meet many of my relatives for the first time. To get to New Mexico, I got to take my first trip on an airplane. It was great!

Here I am with Daddy on the bus going from the parking lot to the airport. It was pretty early so I took a snooze to conserve energy for my big trip.

This is me on the airplane. I had a snack on the ascent and then I slept the rest of the way so I didn't get to see much of the scenery. Next time for sure.

The bathrooms at the airport have snazzy changing tables. Mom and I tried one out once we got to Albuquerque.

Voila! Two hours in the air, and here I am in New Mexico!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Judah is celebrating his first Christmas in his dad's hometown, Santa Fe. It's pretty cold outside so Jude prefers the inside of his grandparent's home.

Jude met his Uncle Conor for the first time yesterday. So far, they're peas in a pod.

Jude made a virtual trip to Paris today on his uncle's new Mac.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

My First Party!

On Saturday night, I went to my first kids' party! It was a Christmas party that was given by some nice friends of my parents and their two kids. I am, of course, in the holiday spirit so I wore my Christmas PJs. Don't I look handsome?

My parents and some of our friends were all singing the Twelve Days of Christmas when this photo was taken. Man, that's a lot of days of Christmas, considering I personally have only been out in the world for about 60 days.

Here my friend AJ is rubbing my head. I love it when people do that, especially little people like AJ!

Here I'm getting a hug from my Auntie Heather. Her family was my first visitors at home back in October after I was born. Compare me with Momma and Heather here... me with Momma and Heather here when I was four days old. Wow! I've sure grown a lot.

All in all, it was a great night. This morning, I was in fine spirits so I did some tummy time under my arches. It was swell!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Grama Deborah's Surprise Birthday

It's easier to grow older with a Grandson.

Grampa Sam is back in town.

Great-Grama Barbara flew all the way from New York State
to be with Grama and us. Here are 4 generations.
Here's Mommy with her Grama and me!

We're taking Great-Grama for a stroll around the neighborhood.

Of course, we took Grama out to dinner.
I was happy through almost the whole meal.

My Name is....

Now you know. Sincere thanks to all my fans!