Monday, December 28, 2009

Hi! Nice to meet you!

When I was in Santa Fe, I got to see so many people.

On Christmas morning, I got to cuddle with Grandpa LeRoy and Grandma Helen.

I'm very blessed to have two great-grandmothers and one great-grandfather. Even better, I've now met both of my great-grandmothers and I'm not even 10 weeks old. Here I am holding hands with G-Grandma Dolores.

Great-Grandma is so nice!

Uncle Conor and Michaela were lots of fun. At this particular moment, however, I wasn't too happy. Who knows why. (As Grandma Deborah says, I'm quite inscrutable.)

Uncle Conor sure is swell!

My Aunt Holly really has the touch! I enjoyed relaxing with her and my cousin Dacia.

Here's Daddy with his brother, Uncle Conor, and sister, Aunt Holly. (I know I look concerned here but I was enjoying myself.)

My Great-Aunt Annabelle is holding me. Isn't she sweet? I also got to meet my Daddy's cousin Rachael and her husband, Adrian, and my second cousins, Matteo and Andres. Wow! So many new faces.

Grandpa LeRoy and Grandma Helen had a party to Can you imagine?!? I wore my new cowboy outfit and smiled at all my new friends.

Lee and JooHee, Daddy's friends from business school, live in Santa Fe so I got to meet them and their super fun son Luke. As you can see, it was quite an outing!

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