Sunday, December 20, 2009

My First Party!

On Saturday night, I went to my first kids' party! It was a Christmas party that was given by some nice friends of my parents and their two kids. I am, of course, in the holiday spirit so I wore my Christmas PJs. Don't I look handsome?

My parents and some of our friends were all singing the Twelve Days of Christmas when this photo was taken. Man, that's a lot of days of Christmas, considering I personally have only been out in the world for about 60 days.

Here my friend AJ is rubbing my head. I love it when people do that, especially little people like AJ!

Here I'm getting a hug from my Auntie Heather. Her family was my first visitors at home back in October after I was born. Compare me with Momma and Heather here... me with Momma and Heather here when I was four days old. Wow! I've sure grown a lot.

All in all, it was a great night. This morning, I was in fine spirits so I did some tummy time under my arches. It was swell!

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