Monday, February 22, 2010

Four Months Old!

Hello everybody! I turned four months on February 22. Can you believe it?

Here I am sitting in my armchair.

Here I was sitting in my armchair back when I was only 7 weeks old. I've sure grown a lot!

Thanks for all your support!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Three Amigitos!

Once upon a time, there was my Momma and her friends, Auntie Delayne and Auntie Lisa. They met at law school. Here they are having a ball at the party when Momma and Daddy got married.

Just four years later, guess what happened? Us!! Me, and my new little friends, Tyler Case -- Auntie Lisa's baby girl who was born exactly 12 weeks before me -- and Dani Seton -- Auntie Delayne's little girl who was born exactly 3 weeks before me. We all got together in Maine for a weekend so that we could all meet each other.
As you can see, our parents thought it would be particularly splendid if we did a group portrait in uniform.

Generally, I had a wonderful time with my new friends. Of course, every once in a while it got kinda crazy, as you can see.

But it sure was fun to share their toys with them!

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Dani's arches are so cool!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


This trip to Maine was all about friendship crossing the generations. I got to hang out with Auntie Susan. She's wonderful!

Here I am playing with Uncle Dan. He's going to teach me how to do sorts of crazy boy things when I get older.

Tyler is so nice! We both are used to getting our picture taken a lot. Sometimes it is entertaining. Other times, not so much.

Dani and I hung out in our PJs one morning. Dani is so cuddley. She put her head on my shoulder.

In Maine, I had my first view of an ocean. In this case, the Atlantic. It was beautiful!

Here are all the little families! My Momma and Daddy and me; Uncle Jeff, Auntie Lisa and Tyler, and Uncle Noah, Auntie Delayne and Dani.

And here are all the Harvard 2004 alum. Uncle Dan, Auntie Susan, Auntie Delayne and Momma all went to Tanzania together when they were in law school. I can't wait to go on a safari with all of them someday! And Momma ran a marathon with Auntie Lisa. I hope to complete a my jogging stroller.

The papparazzi! I take it all these adults were excited to see us kids. We all had so much fun!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mommy, Daddy and Me!

In Maine, I got to hang out with my parents. It was great! Thanks to Dani for lending me her super snowsuit to keep me warm when I went on walks with Momma and Daddy. This winter thing is no joke! I enjoyed the sunset on the ocean with Daddy.

Momma held me tight to stay warm.

Here we are, almost four months after I arrived!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

On Valentine's Day, I went out early with Daddy to get something pretty for Mommy. I was kinda tired by the time we got home but I was still able to present her with a rose, as you can see.

Soon, I woke up and gave Mommy a smile to go with her rose. Will you be my Valentine?

Monday, February 8, 2010

My First Roadtrip!

This weekend, I took my first roadtrip. For three hours, I struggled mightily in my car seat and finally, I arrived in San Antonio, which is the city where my Grandpa Sam grew up. He tells me that it's a lot nicer today than when he was my age. I can at least confirm that it is very beautiful today.

We stayed right on the San Antonio Riverwalk so everyday, I went for a stroll along the river. Here are Momma and I as the river taxi floats on by.

We were in San Antonio because Daddy had a conference but he still had time to stroll with me.

It's fun hanging out with Momma and Daddy!

Family photos can be tricky because I like to keep them guessing as to which side I will be looking from.

Here they got it right! Voila: a family portrait.

It was fun to stay in a hotel. In the mornings, I played with Daddy before he went to his meetings.

We had a great time just relaxing together. Before we left, we visited the cemetary where my Great-Grandma Ella and my Great-Grandpa Joseph are buried. I didn't get to meet them while they were alive but now I know where to visit them.

When we got home, we watched my first Super Bowl! To join in the spectacle, I sat on Daddy's shoulders for the first time. The view was fine.

Bathtime is Fun!

The night I was born, the nurse in the hospital gave me my first bath. As you can see, I didn't care for it much.

Just a few months later, and here I am, chilling in the tub. I find it most enjoyable!

Mostly, I like to kick my legs like crazy and splash the water around. Here is a rare moment of peace.

I even like to wash my face!

I stay in the bath so long that my toes look like little raisins by the end. You can almost see the little wrinkles in this photo.

After my bath, I enjoy playing with my little bunny rabbit. His name is "Conejito," (which means little bunny rabbit in momma is so creative.) I love him very much!