Monday, February 8, 2010

My First Roadtrip!

This weekend, I took my first roadtrip. For three hours, I struggled mightily in my car seat and finally, I arrived in San Antonio, which is the city where my Grandpa Sam grew up. He tells me that it's a lot nicer today than when he was my age. I can at least confirm that it is very beautiful today.

We stayed right on the San Antonio Riverwalk so everyday, I went for a stroll along the river. Here are Momma and I as the river taxi floats on by.

We were in San Antonio because Daddy had a conference but he still had time to stroll with me.

It's fun hanging out with Momma and Daddy!

Family photos can be tricky because I like to keep them guessing as to which side I will be looking from.

Here they got it right! Voila: a family portrait.

It was fun to stay in a hotel. In the mornings, I played with Daddy before he went to his meetings.

We had a great time just relaxing together. Before we left, we visited the cemetary where my Great-Grandma Ella and my Great-Grandpa Joseph are buried. I didn't get to meet them while they were alive but now I know where to visit them.

When we got home, we watched my first Super Bowl! To join in the spectacle, I sat on Daddy's shoulders for the first time. The view was fine.

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