Saturday, February 20, 2010


This trip to Maine was all about friendship crossing the generations. I got to hang out with Auntie Susan. She's wonderful!

Here I am playing with Uncle Dan. He's going to teach me how to do sorts of crazy boy things when I get older.

Tyler is so nice! We both are used to getting our picture taken a lot. Sometimes it is entertaining. Other times, not so much.

Dani and I hung out in our PJs one morning. Dani is so cuddley. She put her head on my shoulder.

In Maine, I had my first view of an ocean. In this case, the Atlantic. It was beautiful!

Here are all the little families! My Momma and Daddy and me; Uncle Jeff, Auntie Lisa and Tyler, and Uncle Noah, Auntie Delayne and Dani.

And here are all the Harvard 2004 alum. Uncle Dan, Auntie Susan, Auntie Delayne and Momma all went to Tanzania together when they were in law school. I can't wait to go on a safari with all of them someday! And Momma ran a marathon with Auntie Lisa. I hope to complete a my jogging stroller.

The papparazzi! I take it all these adults were excited to see us kids. We all had so much fun!

1 comment:

  1. A&B-- I love these posts of Maine! It was so wonderful seeing little Judah and catching up. Let's do it again soon! Love, Auntie Susan
