Thursday, April 22, 2010

I am 6 months old...Half a Year!

Howdy! I'm so much bigger than I was 6 months ago.

Here I am just a few hours after I was born... I was pretty tired.

As you can see, I'm growing.

I love it when Mommy and Daddy act silly so that I will smile.

Ta- Da!

We're posing in my room this time for our Family Portrait.

Grampa Sam and Grama Deborah visited for a week.
You can tell by my arms that I am excited to see them again.
They went all out to celebrate my Half-Year Milestone.

We had a party with Birthday plates, napkins, decorations, and a cupcake with a candle.

Maybe in another six months I'll be more interested in the candle. And maybe I'll even get to have a piece of cake. But Mommy isn't ready to introduce me to sugar yet.

If this is what they did to celebrate my first 6 months,
I wonder what will happen when I am one?

Grama and Grampa even bought me some balloons.
I was well supervised so don't worry.

I've grown 7 1/2 inches (27" long) and weigh 16 pounds 11.5 ounces.
My head circumference in 17 1/2 inches. I'm catching up to my Daddy!

I love to play with new toys.

Grama says that I have a long attention span.
Well, why not? Life is interesting.

Grampa calls my ExerSaucer my office.
I really enjoy flipping through my "roladex."

I've grown out of my swing, but now I have to grow into my high chair.
Oh boy! Another Challenge.
I can almost sit up by myself and love to roll around on the floor.
And I have two new teeth! They're on the bottom.
Life sure is good at 6 months.

P.S. This is for those of you who remember my mommy when she was a baby.
Grama says that she can see my Mommy in me....

Twooo Luv!

...though she knows that I have my Daddy's mouth, for sure.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Country Picnic

This weekend, Mommy's Firm had a picnic in the country.  I took a beautiful car ride all the way to a dirt road! 

Once I arrived, I enjoyed the beautiful wildflowers.

I got to ride a steer with Momma and Daddy!

In the petting zoo, I saw this sheep and llama.  I also saw a potbelly big, several goats, some roosters and even two fawns!

I went down to the lake, but I didn't do any fishing on this trip.

I was too busy socializing with all my friends, like Mr. Arturo, who let me play with his sunglasses.  He is so nice!

Man, oh, man.  Country weekends are the best!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

25 Weeks Old

I'm closing in on 6 months!  Here are my latest pics.

Tune in next week for my half-birthday photos!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Weekend Fun with Uncle Conor

My Uncle Conor from Washington, D.C. came to visit me and my parents.  I remember him from Christmas in Santa Fe so it was so nice to see him again in my hometown.

Uncle Conor's trip coincided with my continuing adventures in solid (or at least not-completely-liquid) foods.  As you can see, he jumped right in and helped me take my meals.

Mmmm, mmm, good!

Another day, another meal with Uncle Conor.  By the way, I will be graduating to my high chair just as soon as I can sit up without too much wobbling.  After all, right now I'm pretty stable in my bouncy chair and it's still kinda tricky to make sure the food gets in my mouth.

Two of my friends, AJ and Jacob, celebrated their birthdays while Uncle Conor was visiting so of course I attended their parties.  Wow!  There were kids and presents and toys and partygoers everywhere!  What excitement!

To be honest, by the end I was kinda ready to be done.

The next morning, Uncle Conor and I just lounged around in our PJs.  He is my kind of Uncle.  It was swell!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

My San Francisco Cousins

When Grandma Deborah grew up in New York, her favorite cousin, Barbara, lived right down the street.   Now Barbara lives in the Bay Area with her beautiful daughter, Audrey.  Apparently the relationship that links me to them is pocked by words like "twice-removed" and such.  Pshaw.  They're super and I was so happy to enjoy Easter brunch with them!

Thanks for coming to meet me, cousins!  (And for letting me chew on your hand.)

I Left My Heart in San Francisco

Right after I was born, Daddy proposed that our little family should go on a trip before Momma goes back to work.  So last week, we all went to visit San Francisco.  It is the most beautiful city I have ever seen.  Here we are with the Bay Bridge in the background.  (Momma thought it was really cold for me because, after all, I'm a Texan, but she had me so bundled up in a scarf that I looked the opposite of Texan:  French.)

I knew right away that I wasn't in Texas anymore because it was so hilly.  Daddy sure got a work out pushing me on our runs.

A highlight of our trip was taking the ferry to Sausalito.  Here's the view of San Francisco as we embark to the other side of the Bay.  Since I already saw the Atlantic when I went to Maine, I was glad to see the Pacific Ocean on this trip.  I asked Momma when I could see the Indian and the Arctic.  She said it would be a while.

Here Daddy and I are just hanging out on the ferry.

 A family portrait.  Don't you love our shades?!? 

Here we are in beautiful Sausalito, taking a hike to the bottom of the Golden Gate bridge.

There's the bridge in the distance. It was a beautiful day!

After our visit, we took the Ferry back to San Francisco.

The next day we visited Alcatraz.  The prison gets a thumb's up from me.  I literally screamed with delight throughout the tour.  Go figure.

Momma and I hiked to the top of Lombard Street, which is completely crooked.  From there, the view was fine. 

I had a great trip!