Thursday, April 22, 2010

I am 6 months old...Half a Year!

Howdy! I'm so much bigger than I was 6 months ago.

Here I am just a few hours after I was born... I was pretty tired.

As you can see, I'm growing.

I love it when Mommy and Daddy act silly so that I will smile.

Ta- Da!

We're posing in my room this time for our Family Portrait.

Grampa Sam and Grama Deborah visited for a week.
You can tell by my arms that I am excited to see them again.
They went all out to celebrate my Half-Year Milestone.

We had a party with Birthday plates, napkins, decorations, and a cupcake with a candle.

Maybe in another six months I'll be more interested in the candle. And maybe I'll even get to have a piece of cake. But Mommy isn't ready to introduce me to sugar yet.

If this is what they did to celebrate my first 6 months,
I wonder what will happen when I am one?

Grama and Grampa even bought me some balloons.
I was well supervised so don't worry.

I've grown 7 1/2 inches (27" long) and weigh 16 pounds 11.5 ounces.
My head circumference in 17 1/2 inches. I'm catching up to my Daddy!

I love to play with new toys.

Grama says that I have a long attention span.
Well, why not? Life is interesting.

Grampa calls my ExerSaucer my office.
I really enjoy flipping through my "roladex."

I've grown out of my swing, but now I have to grow into my high chair.
Oh boy! Another Challenge.
I can almost sit up by myself and love to roll around on the floor.
And I have two new teeth! They're on the bottom.
Life sure is good at 6 months.

P.S. This is for those of you who remember my mommy when she was a baby.
Grama says that she can see my Mommy in me....

Twooo Luv!

...though she knows that I have my Daddy's mouth, for sure.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! This is a great update, and so nice to see the celebration of 6 months!
