Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sunday at the Park

Daddy took me running in the park.
I fell asleep, but woke up when Mommy and Grama came.
Daddy introduces me to new activities
like swinging, either with him...
or on my own.  In spite of their enouragement,
I'm not sure if I like to swing yet.
But one of these days they will have a tough time
getting me OFF the swing.
For now, my preferred mode of transportation
is up front on Daddy
or Mommy.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

7 Months of Changes

It's been 4 weeks since Grama Deborah last visited. 
Here we are ready to take a walk.
Grama wants you to see my new teeth.
They are sharp!
She noticed that I also roll around much more
in my new play area in the living room.
Before, Grama had to hold me so I could play with the shapes.
Now I can sit up all by myself.
This is much better!
Grama made a mistake with the date. 
I'm NOT 20 years and 30 weeks.
But knowing Grama she'll have me back
 for another photo when I am!
For over 6 months I had spaghetti legs...I never wanted to stand up.
Now...Look at me!
With Daddy to guide me, I know I'll go far.

I hear the next stage is crawling and it can't come too soon.
I threw my maraca away by accident.
And I was determined to retrieve it.
I pushed and strained to reach it.
And when I finally got it, it went 3 feet to my right!
Oh Boy!  I scooted around and got it,
but I hear that crawling will be MUCH easier.
Well, here we are after 7 whole months!  Wow!
It's been so much fun.

PS:  Note that this is the first family photo ever where neither Mommy nor Daddy has to hold me.  Yep!  I'm on my own now.

The Art Car Parade

Every May in Houston, we have the "Art Car Parade."  People do all sorts of crazy things to their cars, trucks and motorcycles and then they parade along a street right near where I live.  Momma, Daddy and I went to watch. 

This trailer had an Indian theme.

 I got to meet some guy named Elvis.  He drove around in a guitar-shaped car.

This van was decorated with murals of my favorite band ever:  The Beatles!!  (My favorite song these days is "Dear Prudence."  Whenever I hear it in the car, I calm right down.)

This "car" sure looked like an airplane to me.

Have you ever seen a peacock car?  This was a first for me!

This car was decorated like a birthday cake.  I know what that looks like because I've been to a lot of birthday parties myself.

This car was especially decorated.  Hey, I'm only 6 months old, but I can tell when something looks different than normal.  All in all, it was a GREAT parade!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Momma has an office, too!

As you may know, pretty soon after I was born, Daddy went to his office.  Here he is on his first day back.  I have visited him there several times.  It has beautiful views!

As you also know, I have my "office."  At least, that's what my Grandpa Sam calls my toy.

Well, it turns out that Momma has an office, too!  Last week, I went with her and Daddy to visit and get her all set up for her return there.  We saw the reception area....

...and I got to sit on her desk.

I even tried out her computer.  I can type about three characters at a time.  Pretty good, eh?

The morning she went to her office to actually work, I already was enjoying my first nap by the time we had a chance to take a photo.  She was nice not to disturb me.

When  she came home, I was ready and waiting, all smiles.  It was a great reunion!  One of many to come for sure.