Saturday, May 22, 2010

7 Months of Changes

It's been 4 weeks since Grama Deborah last visited. 
Here we are ready to take a walk.
Grama wants you to see my new teeth.
They are sharp!
She noticed that I also roll around much more
in my new play area in the living room.
Before, Grama had to hold me so I could play with the shapes.
Now I can sit up all by myself.
This is much better!
Grama made a mistake with the date. 
I'm NOT 20 years and 30 weeks.
But knowing Grama she'll have me back
 for another photo when I am!
For over 6 months I had spaghetti legs...I never wanted to stand up.
Now...Look at me!
With Daddy to guide me, I know I'll go far.

I hear the next stage is crawling and it can't come too soon.
I threw my maraca away by accident.
And I was determined to retrieve it.
I pushed and strained to reach it.
And when I finally got it, it went 3 feet to my right!
Oh Boy!  I scooted around and got it,
but I hear that crawling will be MUCH easier.
Well, here we are after 7 whole months!  Wow!
It's been so much fun.

PS:  Note that this is the first family photo ever where neither Mommy nor Daddy has to hold me.  Yep!  I'm on my own now.

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