Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Art Car Parade

Every May in Houston, we have the "Art Car Parade."  People do all sorts of crazy things to their cars, trucks and motorcycles and then they parade along a street right near where I live.  Momma, Daddy and I went to watch. 

This trailer had an Indian theme.

 I got to meet some guy named Elvis.  He drove around in a guitar-shaped car.

This van was decorated with murals of my favorite band ever:  The Beatles!!  (My favorite song these days is "Dear Prudence."  Whenever I hear it in the car, I calm right down.)

This "car" sure looked like an airplane to me.

Have you ever seen a peacock car?  This was a first for me!

This car was decorated like a birthday cake.  I know what that looks like because I've been to a lot of birthday parties myself.

This car was especially decorated.  Hey, I'm only 6 months old, but I can tell when something looks different than normal.  All in all, it was a GREAT parade!

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