Saturday, July 31, 2010

Baby You Can Drive My Car...and Give me a Kiss!

Auntie Sarah is the nicest because she comes to visit a lot! 

We went to the Children's Museum where I took her on a trip in my car.  Zoom Zoom ...

Turning the corner....Zoom Zoom...

Sometimes I even drive standing up!  As you can see, Auntie Sarah is MOST impressed.

Later, Mommy, Auntie and I mugged for the camera.

Ta Da!

Here we are staring into each other's eyes...

And then, Smoooch! I love you, Auntie!

Me and my cousin Asher

Did you know that my Mommy's cousins Andrea and David had a baby boy named Asher just two days before I was born?!?  I didn't know that either and I wouldn't have even believed it until I got to meet Asher in the flesh when he visited me in Houston.

Sure enough, here we are together!

I know they say we are "second" cousins but Asher is first in my book.

I really enjoyed posing for photos with him.
Sometimes, we played with each other (literally).

And sometimes we played near each other.

I was most impressed by Asher's downward facing dog. 
I've seen Momma do that around the house but I've never tried it myself.

Here we are posing with our Mommies, Asher's sister Lucinda (who is the sweetest and the preetiest and the smartest 4-year old in Texas!) and Asher's grandma, Joan.  Thanks for visiting, cousins!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa!

Happy Anniversary to my Grandma Deborah and Grandpa Sam! 
They are celebrating 37 years of marriage during my 37th week. 
Is that a coincide or do you think they planned it?

Monday, July 5, 2010

My trip to Lake Austin

Over the Fourth of July, I went to Lake Austin with my parents.

Here are Daddy and I at our condo with the lake in the background.

I'd be fibbing if I said that I really had fun in the sun. 
One of the pools was too cold and the other was too hot. 
And it wasn't much fun for me to sit on the grass, as you can see.

Plus I got sunburned.  My parents were mortified that they didn't use enough sun screen.  It didn't prevent me from having fun scooting around our place.


Furniture is fun to navigate.

I enjoyed watching my folks play horseshoes from the comfort of my stroller.

I rung this horseshoe perfectly.

Just hanging out with my parents.  This is the life.

Thumbs up on a great holiday weekend!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Weeks Are Flying By!

Presumably because I am their first child, my parents are pretty crazy about photographically documenting my every week.  So I thought I'd share some of the more recent shots.

Ah, yes.  I remember 32 weeks.  It was fun to play with my old-school block while Momma took the photo.

Week 33.  I enjoyed this shoot as well.  Same chair.  Same block.  Different angle.  Momma is so clever!

My Grandpa Sam and Grandma Deborah were here for week 34.
Hence the fancy sign and the bright colors since their camera is snazzy. 

Oh my goodness!  Momma skipped week 35.  That's a first.

My week-a-versaries come every Thursday, which is also the day the Children's Museum is free after 5 pm.  Week 36, Momma didn't have a chance to take the photo at home because we wanted to get to the Children's Museum with Daddy (who can't usually make it.)  Do not fear!  Momma brought the weekly sign and some tape (sheesh!) so we could take the photo at the museum.  I LOVE it there!

This last week's shoot wasn't so hot.  I like my chair alright but what I really like these days is hurling myself forward off the chair to reach the ball at my feet.  That's what I did when Momma was trying to take the photo.  Goodness me.  Mercifully, Momma then got rid of the chair and we took the photo on the floor.  But the tear is evidence of my trauma.

Well, surely there will be another photo next week.  I'll keep you posted...