Monday, July 5, 2010

My trip to Lake Austin

Over the Fourth of July, I went to Lake Austin with my parents.

Here are Daddy and I at our condo with the lake in the background.

I'd be fibbing if I said that I really had fun in the sun. 
One of the pools was too cold and the other was too hot. 
And it wasn't much fun for me to sit on the grass, as you can see.

Plus I got sunburned.  My parents were mortified that they didn't use enough sun screen.  It didn't prevent me from having fun scooting around our place.


Furniture is fun to navigate.

I enjoyed watching my folks play horseshoes from the comfort of my stroller.

I rung this horseshoe perfectly.

Just hanging out with my parents.  This is the life.

Thumbs up on a great holiday weekend!

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