Monday, April 25, 2011

New about Town

I love going to the new park nearby.
I'm sure this balance beam will increase my agility.Grampa Sam and I are "Twins" in our matching shirts and shorts.
We went to the Arboretum for the first time.

There were turtles and fish in the pond.

I love playing with water.

And now I can safely stand at the sink in my learning tower and play to my heart's content!

By another park a building is being torn down. This huge machine is removing the rubble.

I'm fascinated by machinery. The giant claw is impressive.

There was a convenient mudpuddle next to the fence so I could practice throwing stones while one truck drove away and another came for the next load.

Dexterous was the word Grama used to describe the claws.

I felt a tad apprehensive as it was loud.

Boy, life is interesting! Thanks for sharing my new discoveries with me! Bye bye!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Momma chose two new outfits for me to wear.
Who wants to pose
when there are so many new things to discover? The sand by the bay is wetter than the sand by the gulf.
Hope you like the back view of my new outfit.

Now I'm debuting the second outfit on Easter morning.

Momma put snacks inside the Easter eggs.

Christ the Lord is risen today! Aaaa-le-luu-ya!

Here we are after church!

Friday, April 22, 2011


On Easter Friday we went to Galveston.
The sand was so fine.
I loved playing in it.
It was very windy and the waves were rough.
Not much like Hawaii.

But endlessly fascinating, nevertheless.

So nice to be with Momma and Papa.

On the way to the cottage, we stopped by the pool.

Here I'm drying off.

What's next?

My year and a half birthday party!
I wasn't feeling well when I turned one so this was my opportunity to discover the texture and taste of frosting!

I conducted several other experiments.

We don't have a rocking chair so now I'm learning

that every action

has an equal and opposite reaction. Interesting.

I also tested the effect of gravity on the sea shells I dropped off the deck (and the efficiency of Grampa in replenishing my supply.)

The door knob is low enough so I can push the door open from the outside in

and from the inside out! Maybe I'll be a scientist someday!

Right now I'm looking more and more like my Daddy.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Swim Class

Hi everyone! Grama Deborah and Grampa Sam are back in town so we have lots of photos to share with you.
Today is my swim class.
Can't say it's my favorite activity but Momma assures me that I'll appreciate it someday.

Do I have to go through the hoop? Really?

Now I'm going to jump into the water.

That wasn't too bad. I had a lot of support.

The water toys are fun.

Not unlike playing in the bath tub.

There's Grama with the camera.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Grauntie & Auntie!

I recently had the pleasure of welcoming my sweet Auntie Sarah and my dear Grauntie Janet to Texas for the weekend.  As with all my guests, I took them on the Judah-Tour-of-Houston!  

My tour includes ample opportunities to stroll around the neighborhood.  These days, I find the walk much more enjoyable if I take my trusty shopping cart. 

You never know what you might need to pick up!

 While Daddy, Momma and Auntie pose for the camera, my cart and I are all business.

Another stop on my tour is Gymboree.  Auntie Sarah had never been there before and was quite pleased that, unlike so many people, I am putting my gym membership to good use.

Of course, we went to the Children's Museum of Houston, recently voted the BEST children's museum in the land.  I'm happy for the honor, but I'm not surprised.

The Museum gave me an opportunity to show them how I like to play with a car even while I sit in a car.  Heaven!
We also went to my favorite park and took a walk in the woods after I played on the playground.

And no trip to Judahland would be complete without a visit to the zoo!  This time, I took my bulldozer and Momma through the tube in the aquarium.

 But the best part of the weekend, was hanging out with my family.  (Although here, I wasn't too excited about Auntie and I wearing matching "uniforms.")

Actually, the best part of the weekend may have been my ice cream cone!  It's a close call.