Friday, April 22, 2011


On Easter Friday we went to Galveston.
The sand was so fine.
I loved playing in it.
It was very windy and the waves were rough.
Not much like Hawaii.

But endlessly fascinating, nevertheless.

So nice to be with Momma and Papa.

On the way to the cottage, we stopped by the pool.

Here I'm drying off.

What's next?

My year and a half birthday party!
I wasn't feeling well when I turned one so this was my opportunity to discover the texture and taste of frosting!

I conducted several other experiments.

We don't have a rocking chair so now I'm learning

that every action

has an equal and opposite reaction. Interesting.

I also tested the effect of gravity on the sea shells I dropped off the deck (and the efficiency of Grampa in replenishing my supply.)

The door knob is low enough so I can push the door open from the outside in

and from the inside out! Maybe I'll be a scientist someday!

Right now I'm looking more and more like my Daddy.

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