Thursday, September 8, 2011

My Train Adventure

 I think you all know that I am fascinated by trains.
 So was I excited when Mommy invited Grama, Grampa and me 
to meet her for lunch downtown
on Mommy and Papa's Birthday.
 And the icing on the cake was that we went by train!
 Here we are downtown.
The very first thing we saw was a backhoe
and dump truck and workers in hard hats!
 We had a great view of the dirt going into the truck.
 We got to Mommy's office building early
so Grampa and I went up and down the escalator...
a lot!
 As you can see I'm enjoying lunch with Mommy.
 On the way back to the train stop 
there was a policeman on a horse!
 I was fascinated and wary at the same time.
 The nice policeman gave me
a Junior Police Badge Sticker.
 We're waiting for our train.
 This is great!
 Bye bye train!
 Later to celebrate Mommy and Papa's Birthday
we went out for pizza.
The day before I made them a Birthday Card.
Happy Birthday to Mommy!
Happy Birthday to Papa!
They liked it. 
What a perfect day.

Summer Fun

Grama Deborah came to visit a couple of weeks ago.
              We went to the fountain to watch the dogs play in the water.

I practiced going down steps and jumping.
I enjoy playing in my sand box.
I really concentrate.  It's so interesting.
Grama said that Grampa Sam was coming in a few days
and sure enough, when I woke up from my nap, there he was!

We had fun squirting water.
I'm technologically advanced and can find photos and videos
on Papa's I-Phone.
I can also wear Mommy's sunglasses.
Grama is still taking photos on my month birthday.
I'm not amused.
We went to the zoo. I'm waving at children on the merry-go-round.
The Mangabey was spraying water at us.
So funny!
Speaking of water, I love to jump in puddles.
What a wonderful time with Grampa.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Judah in James Vegas

I've been with my Sanchez first cousins and aunt and uncle several times so
Mommy and I went to Western NY where Aunt Sarah joined us to meet
my great-aunts and uncles,
great-grandparents, and assorted first cousins once removed
and second cousins
on my Grama Deborah's side of the family.
(She's the oldest of 8 brothers and sisters. She and Grampa were coming home from a trip and couldn't be there.)
We stayed at Grauntie (Great-Aunt) Janet and
GUD's (Great Uncle Drew) home in the country.
GUD and I became great pals.
Before my trip to his house, GUD sent me a CD and here I am back home dancing to it.
"Throw it in the air!"
Mommy and I on the hammock in the backyard.
Mommy's with her Grama Barbara and Uncle Andy.Great-Grampa Norve and I have the same reaction
to this attempt of a photo with his grand and great-grandchildren
(and a couple of their friends).
This is the best family photo we managed to take.
Great-Grampa Norve is in the center and Great-Grama Barbara is
in the white hat along with
6 of my great-aunts and uncles.
Grauntie Janet gave me a bulldozer....
the perfect gift as there were lots of stones to
move around.
I also brought my dump truck from home.
Couldn't be happier!
This is Nell, who technically is my 1st-cousin-once-removed, but don't let those fancy titles fool you: 
she is super! 

And here is her younger brother Sam who is 5 months younger than I.
Cousin Alex is telling me and cousin
Rosko a secret. Nell and cousin Isabella
are right behind me.
Croquet is a summer activity at Grauntie's House.
Here we are.
I'm showing Grauntie my "Cobra" or "Superman" pose.
She's an appreciative audience.
My Great-Aunt Barbara and Great-Uncle Jim have a vacation
home at Chautauqua Institute.
I'm enjoying the porch with Auntie Sarah.
Here I am with Auntie and my cousin Chris.
I also go to know Great-Grampa Norve.
Mommy and I are on the dock on Chautauqua Lake.
I'm wearing my Chautauqua hoodie, given to me at
the Family Baby Shower before I was born.