Thursday, September 8, 2011

Summer Fun

Grama Deborah came to visit a couple of weeks ago.
              We went to the fountain to watch the dogs play in the water.

I practiced going down steps and jumping.
I enjoy playing in my sand box.
I really concentrate.  It's so interesting.
Grama said that Grampa Sam was coming in a few days
and sure enough, when I woke up from my nap, there he was!

We had fun squirting water.
I'm technologically advanced and can find photos and videos
on Papa's I-Phone.
I can also wear Mommy's sunglasses.
Grama is still taking photos on my month birthday.
I'm not amused.
We went to the zoo. I'm waving at children on the merry-go-round.
The Mangabey was spraying water at us.
So funny!
Speaking of water, I love to jump in puddles.
What a wonderful time with Grampa.

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