Friday, November 27, 2009

Judah is 5 Weeks Old

How time flies! Judah is changing every day.
His newborn clothes fit just fine.

You can see how much smaller I was 4 weeks ago.

Some close-ups.

That's all for now!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Jude dons his Thanksgiving Day bib, a recent gift from his
Great Aunt Yvonne and Great Uncle Ron in Saskatoon, Canada.

Aunt Sarah gives Judah a wonderfully thoughtful name plate
with a biblical verse about his namesake.

Thanksgiving Dinner. For the first time ever, Bryan and Anna have Thanksgiving Day dinner at their home. It'd be too much to say they "hosted." Deborah and Sam did most of the cooking.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Jude's Weekend with Grandpa and Grandma Sanchez

Judah loves his new lion from grandma and grandpa.

The Three Amigos! Three generations of Sanchez men. Jude, this is probably what you'll look like in 33 and 63 years.

Grandma Helen is smitten.

Yup, she loves him.

Jude showing his fatigue with the modeling session. He said, "You don't pay me enough to put up with these long hours!"

Jude's piercing eyes.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Bouncing with Grandpa Lee

Jude loves bouncing with his grandpa!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Jude meets Grandma Helen and Grandpa LeRoy

FINALLY, Jude meets his grandparents from Santa Fe late Thursday night. Based on early accounts, they like each other.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

More Visitors

Here we are after just over three weeks.

Arturo and Debbie Karakowsky visited.

Tell me, how are you doing?

Great-Aunt Janet is visiting. We're going to have fun, fun, fun!

A peaceful Sunday morning with Auntie.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tummy Time at Three Weeks

My cord fell off the night before so now I can have Tummy Time.
Anna-Ma made the quilt and Grama Deborah crocheted my blanket.
Such a pretty rainbow. Which color should I wear today?

This is a great view!

Back on my tummy, I'm practicing the Plank.

I'm doing mountain-climbing training.


Pretty good, uh?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Three Minutes in the Life of Jude

This morning Grandma Deborah read about baby massage techniques so she decided to see whether Jude would enjoy a rub. Here are some of his expressions during his three-minute massage....

We think he liked it!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Weekend

I'm having more wide-awake times.

We all enjoyed a great visit from Jim, Tricia and Sarah Grace Zucker. What a difference 13 weeks makes! That's the age gap between beautiful Sarah Grace and little Judah.

Judah loves to arch his back.

" Ah! I know that voice!" Judah smiled in a sustained way when he heard Grampa on the phone but before Grama had the presence of mind to grab the camera.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Jude Meets New Friends and Hangs out with Momma

Judah and Momma.

Kara Sanders meets Jude. Thanks for your visit and for the delicious food, Kara!

Melissa, Jackson and Matthew Byers enjoy meeting Judah. Check out the handsome cowboy blanket that Melissa made for our little Texan!

I'm such a happy little boy!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Judah is Two Weeks Old

Holding hands with Daddy and Mommy.
I weigh 8 pounds and have grown 1 1/2 inches.

Will I conduct the Houston Symphony?

Let's try some crunches.

I'm more awake now. So much to see.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Grampa's Last Day in Houston

It's hard to leave Judah after 13 wonderful days.

Judah in his contented leopard position.

We took another walk.

Such a beautiful day.