Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Weekend

I'm having more wide-awake times.

We all enjoyed a great visit from Jim, Tricia and Sarah Grace Zucker. What a difference 13 weeks makes! That's the age gap between beautiful Sarah Grace and little Judah.

Judah loves to arch his back.

" Ah! I know that voice!" Judah smiled in a sustained way when he heard Grampa on the phone but before Grama had the presence of mind to grab the camera.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, the photo of Anna with little Jude in her arms makes my heart melt. And the one of him arching his back (like Uncle Simeon used to do) is also so adorable. Two weeks and 1 day until he's back in my lovin' arms. (Not like anyone is counting!)
