Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tummy Time at Three Weeks

My cord fell off the night before so now I can have Tummy Time.
Anna-Ma made the quilt and Grama Deborah crocheted my blanket.
Such a pretty rainbow. Which color should I wear today?

This is a great view!

Back on my tummy, I'm practicing the Plank.

I'm doing mountain-climbing training.


Pretty good, uh?


  1. Grama, why do you have me in all these pastel-colored blankets? Don't you know I'm a bouncing baby BOY?

  2. Yoga already!?! I see a plank or is it a downward dog. I'm impressed. This little boy is the most gorgeous baby I've seen.....since my own (of course)!! I have to agree with Sarah on the pastel thing going on! But Judah is man enough to take it!! xoxoxoxo B
