Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Three Minutes in the Life of Jude

This morning Grandma Deborah read about baby massage techniques so she decided to see whether Jude would enjoy a rub. Here are some of his expressions during his three-minute massage....

We think he liked it!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. What a cutie! I love the photos of him pursing his lips. So adorable!

  3. They are adorable. What expressions! He is amazing.

  4. We really need to get this kid an agent. There has got to be a way to cash in on his unbelievable cuteness. The really amazing thing is that he should still be in the creepy new born baby phase. Or it could be that all my friends had ridiculously ugly babies that caused my cuteness standards to be too low. I’m going to get fired because I’m refreshing the blog all day looking for new pics.

  5. We really need to get this kid an agent. There has got to be a way to cash in on his unbelievable cuteness. The really amazing thing is that he should still be in the creepy new born baby phase. Or it could be that all my friends had ridiculously ugly babies that caused my cuteness standards to be too low. I’m going to get fired because I’m refreshing the blog all day looking for new pics.

  6. He looks just like your dad in this pictures! Sam should be proud (for so many reasons)!
