Saturday, November 7, 2009

Jude Meets New Friends and Hangs out with Momma

Judah and Momma.

Kara Sanders meets Jude. Thanks for your visit and for the delicious food, Kara!

Melissa, Jackson and Matthew Byers enjoy meeting Judah. Check out the handsome cowboy blanket that Melissa made for our little Texan!

I'm such a happy little boy!

1 comment:

  1. I can't begin to tell you how jealous I am of Kara, Melissa, and all of Jude's other new friends. They're on the spot! They've seen him! They've held him!

    When Janet returns from her visit, I'll probably have to drive to Jamestown just to touch the arm that held him. I only hope he's not walking by the time I see him. What a honey!

