Monday, November 2, 2009

Auntie Sarah comes again

Sarah came back for another weekend with Jude.
"Auntie, I like to sleep with my arms up. So comfy!"

Two sisters and a baby!


  1. These photos are such a wonderful gift. I check Jude's page at least twice a day, and love it when there's something new to see. I have to believe that your visitors talk about him all the way home. He's that kind of Baby.

    Doesn't Sarah look lovely? And don't you all?


  2. I know that everyone thinks that their kid is the cutest kid ever. But I have to say that Jude really is the cutest kid ever! A woman I work with brought in her 1 month grandkid. It was U G L Y it don’t have no alibi! I ran screaming back to my desk to bring up the blog so I could look at Jude. I am in contact with Gerber to have Jude become the new Gerber Baby.
